
Query data with no SQL code (4)

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Experience Level: Beginner
Máté Farkas
Database Expert with 15+ years experience (SQL, Access, Power BI).
Section 04: Introduction to Query Designer

Course: This course is created for business people or data analysts who want to query data from an SQL Server database but don't want to write codes and queries in SQL language. This course teach you how to use GUI of SQL Server Management Studio Query Designer Tool.

Video Steps

01. 00:00 Different panes of Query Designer

You can try how each pane works and looks like.

02. 01:30 Add table to a query

You can extend the existing query by another table and join them.

03. 02:30 Join tables

Learn how to remove or define a join between 2 tables.

04. 03:05 How the join works

Learn how the join operation works between 2 tables.
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LVL 28

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by:Máté Farkas
Jump to next section:Query data with no SQL code (5) - 5. Usage of Criteria Pane of Query Designer
Jump to prev section:Query data with no SQL code (3) - 3. Working in SQL Server Management Studio
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